About Emergency!: A Binge Guide to the TV Series:
“Emergency!: A Binge Guide to the Series” is an unofficial viewer’s guide to the classic television series. This binge guide walks the reader through the entire television series, episode by episode, with synopses, location and character information, goofs, medical and equipment notes, and trivia about the EPISODES, ONE AT A TIME to be referenced while watching it. And no spoilers about any episodes to follow!
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Author Bio:
Greg Enslen is an Ohio author of thirty-one books, including five books in the “Frank Harper Mysteries” series and three other novels. He also writes original screenplays and guides for popular TV shows such as “Game of Thrones” and “Mr. Robot.” His books are available from major retailers and on his Amazon Author Page at http://bit.ly/geauthor.
Greg lives in southern Ohio with his wife, three children, three dogs and an indeterminate number of cats. His interests include travel, reading, film and television, and yelling at various sports franchises. Greg enjoys writing late at night, after everyone else has finally trudged off to bed and the house is quiet. For more information, visit his website at gregenslen.com or check out his Facebook fan page at www.facebook.com/gregenslenswriting.