About Downfall: A Collapse Series Prequel:
The only thing anyone wants to talk about lately is the stupid virus that’s making people sick around the globe. But thirteen-year-old Lizzy Tilbrook has bigger things on her mind, like winning her class presidency.
It’s the first stepping-stone in her plan to get into Yale. Then she’ll capture the title of Atlanta’s top lawyer.
Lizzy doesn’t need friends to do that — she needs voters. She’ll do anything to win them over and take down her rival. The new pandemic is just a speed bump along the way.
Or so she thinks.
When the virus reactivates in individuals who’ve already had it, it snuffs out millions of lives within days.
Insanity and chaos follow. Supply chains collapse, along with Lizzy’s plans.
Soon there aren’t enough essential resources to go around. Violence erupts.
With no place safe, priorities shift, and relationships become vital. Suddenly, being a lone wolf isn’t a sign of strength. It’s her greatest weakness.
Lizzy must find allies or face the apocalypse alone.
Downfall, prequel to the Collapse Series, an apocalyptic, young adult novel. Experience the beginning of the Collapse by Angela D. Shelton.
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Author Bio:
Angela D. Shelton works as a healthcare accountant and owns/works a cattle ranch in Georgia.
Calling on her experience from the farm and drawing on her husband’s military and law enforcement understanding, she’s created a post-apocalyptic world in her novel series, Collapse. The stories revolve around a small-town Georgia family who turn to farming just in the nick of time to be self-sufficient when the supply chains in the world collapse.
Ms. Shelton is a member of the Christian Indie Publishing Association, the American Christian Fiction Writers, and Word Weavers International. The first two books in the series are available now.