About Don’t Hold Your Breath by James Tyler Ball:
Attempting to live without eating might sound like an unorthodox idea, but what if it allowed you to have telepathic abilities and a way to travel through different dimensions? Sounds crazy, right? To the Breatharians, however, these are entirely plausible ideas.
Follow James Tyler Ball as he uncovers the practices and sometimes outlandish beliefs of the Breatharian community. Join him as he explores the lives and teachings of several prominent Breatharian figures. From diets based entirely on McDonald’s Double Quarter-Pounder with Cheese meals to people living on nothing but air. As well as deaths, cult-like groups and the naively hopeful human nature behind it all, this book explores Breatharianism’s controversies.
By the end of this book, you will have explored an entire world of new-age spirituality, ideas surrounding consciousness and even the possibility of a second Earth existing. You might even come away with a newfound respect for beef burgers and their alleged life-preserving properties!
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Author Bio:
James Tyler Ball is a non-fiction writer, screenwriter and author of Don’t Hold Your Breath: The Airheaded World of Breatharianism.
With an interest in both spirituality and conspiracy theories, James writes journalistic non-fiction that investigates the stranger side of life, the outlandish and sometimes even the macabre.
James has had success with several screenplays, writing for German filmmakers Malteserkreuz Film, and producing a number of short films and mockumentaries himself.
In addition to his writings, James is also a music producer, studying a degree in Music Business, known for making Lofi-HipHop and Funk. He cites himself as a “Beatmaker. Tea Drinker. Heartbreaker.” With a comedic touch, however, his writings are sure not to break any hearts.