About Don’t be scared! – Hab keine Angst!: Bilingual Children’s Picture Book English-German (Kids Learn German 3):
Help your children learn to handle anxiety and overcome fears along with little Susie.
This bilingual children’s story is about little Susie. She is frightened. But she does not want to tell anybody. When her mother wants to bake a cake for her family she sends Susie to the village to buy some ingredients. The girl has to pass dark forests, scary fields, and wide grasslands with angry wolves and fire-spying dragons. But is that all real? Will she be able to handle her fears?
The vivid color illustrations and the fun and scary story make for an entertaining and educational experience. The text is simple enough to grab kids’ attention, with lots of repetitions that give it rhythm.
Here’s what you’ll find inside this book:
19 pages of kid-friendly fun, designed to inspire and teach kids ages 3-8
Each short line is both in English and German
A fun and interesting story perfect for reading out loud
If you’re looking for a great activity for kids that combines reading, listening, and learning, this is the book for you!
★★★★★ “Very cute bilingual-(English/German) book for young readers to enjoy!!!”
★★★★★ “Bilingual is helpful to learn German fast, like the concept of the book.”
★★★★★ “Nice book.”
★★★★★ “Great.”
★★★★★ “Beautiful story.”
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Author Bio:
Mit meinen teils mehrsprachigen Bilderbüchern und kurzen Geschichten bin ich in erster Linie daran interessiert, neue Erfahrungen und Anregungen und neue Perspektiven auf unsere Welt zu vermitteln – auch im fantastischen und magischen. Ich möchte das auf spielerische Weise tun und nicht zufällig. Das Schreiben aus der Perspektive der Kinder öffnet die Tür zu Welten, die von Elfen und Tieren, Meerjungfrauen und Königen, Zwergen und Riesen bevölkert sind – Wesen, die Probleme haben und sie lösen können, indem sie einfach die Beschränkungen unserer realen Welt umgehen.
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