Lana the Llama and Shaggy the Sheep loved staying with Grandma the Goat.
Yes, they loved it because they loved her,
and because they could do fun things they weren’t allowed to do at home.
But most of all they loved it because the food was great.
This weekend, she was making her famous sausage roast.
However, there was one thing about the sausage roast Lana hated.
Loads of broccoli.
And when Lana attempts to hide her broccoli instead of eating it… the situation ends up being a very uncomfortable one indeed.
The story of Lana and her hidden broccoli is one that many children will relate to. It’s less a story about eating your greens and more about the importance of being honest and telling the truth. It’s also about how telling the truth is never as bad or as painful as you think it is going to be. Often, the consequences of telling lies are much less unpleasant than the consequences of telling the truth to begin with.
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Author Bio:
Accidental author A.S.K. Aynur holds a Forensic Medicine Cert., Cert. in Early Childhood Education & Care Competency and a Diploma in Counselling.
She is also a Paediatric Hypnosis Coach, Parents Coach, Kids Coach, ICF Accredited Life Coach, and Speaker and works around crime-fighting heroes. Despite her struggles to read and not having the ambition to write as a child, in 2020 she shared her story in a Multi-Author Best-selling book and it changed her life and business.
That she has many strings to her bow is no surprise to anybody who knows her, as she is a serial entrepreneur. She describes her mind as very active and uses writing to get her ideas out and focus her thoughts. Her inspirations come from far and wide. She looks to world events, real-life stories, and personal experiences.
Through her writing, she hopes to impress on her readers that whatever life throws at you, there is always a funny side.