About Democracy From Then to Now: From the First Democratic Thoughts in Ancient Greece to Democracy Throughout the World Today (Government and Politics Book Series):
Discover the fascinating evolution of democracy from then until now – the influence of ancient figures, and the origins of today’s political systems. Now more than ever, Democracy has become a compelling conversation topic. But have you ever wondered what has shaped the political systems that govern many societies today?Are you curious about the history of democracy? Or do you wonder how some of the democratic policies developed through the ages? Or maybe you wonder how democracies die?Many people might believe the start of democracy to be the establishment of the United States of America as it threw off the shackles of British rule. Some may even be familiar with the fact that those democratic ideals can be traced back to the teachings and practices of the ancient Greeks and Romans.But is that all there is to it?Studying history will help give you a better understanding of the origins of democracy, how it shaped our current laws and policies, and how democracy works now. Which begs the question: what does history tell us about democracy? And what does it tell us about democracy in the US now?Where did democracy start? How did it develop? What inspired and ignited an entire democratic system to govern societies?In order to understand today’s democracy, we need to start from its earliest beginnings by understanding the works of the ancient philosophers who laid the foundations of democracy from the early days. Even looking at the democracy around the world today, it’s clear that there are degrees to which countries choose to adhere or stray from democratic ideals.Understanding where these ideals developed from and the development of democracy over time is essential to determining what endangers these ideals in the present.Drawing from recent research and critical arguments on the development of democracy, within these pages, you’ll discover:The early years of democracy and the evolution of democracy through the agesSocrates, Plato, and Aristotle – Greek philosophers whose contributions to political theory helped to shape democracy as we now know it todayThe democratic ideas in Ancient Romethat helped design some of the foundations of modern governments The emergency of a modern parliamentary system that resulted from reforms throughout the Medieval AgesHow the Roman Republic created a legacy that continues to endure – and what we can learn from its downfallThe evidence that shows widely held beliefs about democracy in the Medieval Era may be mistakenThe roots of America’s democracy and democracy in America nowCase studies – a comparison of democracies around the world today to explore why some countries are fully democratic while others are heavily authoritarianThe rising threats to democracy jeopardizing the systems that have been in place in some form for centuriesAnd much more.Democracy has reshaped society from oppressive and authoritarian systems to a more egalitarian one, but the work is still not done. Even today, democracy is still a work in progress, and it will continue to transform as civilizations grow and develop. By understanding the principles behind Democracy and its evolution worldwide, we have a better chance of achieving “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”If you’re ready to study the history of democracy today, then scroll up and grab your copy of Democracy From Then to Now.
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Author Bio:
Eric Nilsen is a global citizen and he is the author of “Democracy From Then to Now” and “Understanding Social Justice”. Growing up in a top-ranked democracy has given him stability, but living and working in different parts of the world has given him an extraordinary perspective and knowledge about different cultures, religions, and societies around the globe. This has inspired Eric to use his passion for journalistic writing to share his knowledge and viewpoints on various topics around politics. Eric wishes to educate and inform his readers, as Franklin D. Roosevelt said it best, “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely.”
In his spare time, Eric can be found reading, discussing politics with the locals (wherever he is in the world), or volunteering at local community events.