About Cruz Finds His Way: An Inspirational Children’s Tale Concerning Dyslexia:
Cruz the Crow is about to embark on the single most important journey of his whole life: his solo-flight! But there is just one problem! All those letters and numbers that the other crows can read: well he can’t. How will he ever find his way? A charming and inspiring tale that tells kids it is ok to be different, and that we all have our strengths.
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Author Bio:
Anne van Gessel is an author of children’s books and non-fiction books which focus on empowering people with dyslexia into living a more authentic life full of purpose, holistic wellness, and joy. Anne has been a guest speaker for the podcast.The Spiritual Awakener and has her own blog entitled Authentically Anne. Anne enjoys taking long walks along Washington’s pacific shores. When Anne is not writing or preparing for her next speaking engagement, she is playing with her large and playful rescue dog.