The FBI investigation into the mysterious disappearance of Prisca Bender, a business executive, twists into the evil loop that connects Rod Jimmy to Adaz Obot in Washington DC.
Mary Greenwood, the FBI special agent in charge of the investigation cuts into the evil loop to pin down the “Main Shark”, and unravel the mystery, but she meets her dead end.
The case gets the attention of the US government and Reynold Westley, the CIA finest, teams up with the multi-talented FBI agent, Michael Bending, to continue from where Mary Greenwood has stopped.
They find out that what they are faced with, is beyond the combined capacity of the FBI and the CIA. The investigation leads them through a complex circle that opens to a shocker.
They must find a way to break through the evil loop to untangle the links of sheer criminalism and terrorism for US forces to wade in and follow through to the end.
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Author Bio:
Dublyn G Horris is an artistic author that has a sound background in science and engineering and it reflects in, CRIME BUBBLES. He is a gifted creative mind with the ability to switch from one end of literary piece to another.
His next book, ROYAL STORM, coming out soon, heralds his versatility in writing.
He has a number of books loading in the pipeline, such as DEADLY MISSION andTREASURE HUNT OF A TRAITOR PIRATE.
Dublyn G. Horris is a free thinker and traveling around the world is becoming his hobby. He likes people everywhere and he is single at the moment.