About Counteract the Fat: Discover how Fiber and Antioxidants can Counteract the Physiological Effects of Junk Food – a nutrition, diet, health, weight and cholesterol control book by DeShond B Barnes:
Counteract the Fat – a cutting edge new nutrition, diet, health, weight and cholesterol control paperback release – is a compilation of research findings on how fiber and antioxidants can counteract the physiological effects of junk food. Discover how fiber and antioxidants can help prevent medical conditions and weight gain associated with high-fat and other unhealthy great-tasting foods. The discussed Counteract the Fat concepts include:
☤ High-fat foods produce cholesterol-related acids that can clog arteries and raise cholesterol levels – opening the door to heart disease. Fiber counteracts that effect by nabbing cholesterol-related acids and removing them from our bodies, thus promoting healthy cholesterol levels and reducing our risk of heart disease.
☤ The excess calories in high-fat foods are absorbed by our bodies and stored as fat, and can cause us to gain weight – opening the door to obesity. Fiber counteracts that effect by nabbing calories before they can be absorbed and stored as fat, thus making it harder for us to gain weight and reducing our risk of obesity.
☤ High-fat foods increase our exposure to “free radicals,” which attack and damage healthy human cells – opening the door to cancer, heart disease and many other conditions. Antioxidants counteract that effect by neutralizing free radicals, thus preventing and reversing cellular damage and reducing our risk of cancer, heart disease and many other conditions.
☤ The excess calories in high-fat foods are absorbed by our bodies and stored as fat, and can cause us to gain weight – opening the door to obesity. Antioxidants counteract that effect by giving our bodies the energy needed to burn fat more efficiently, thus making it harder for us to gain weight and reducing our risk of obesity.
☤ High-fat foods can trigger heart attacks by causing blood clotting elements in the bloodstream known as “platelets” to become more adhesive and clump together, triggering the formation of abnormal blood clots in the heart artery. Abnormal blood clots can eventually trigger heart attacks. Fiber counteracts that effect by speeding the mechanisms in which abnormal blood clots dissolve, thus decreasing the likelihood that abnormal blood clots will lead to heart attacks.
☤ High-fat foods raise blood levels of fat and cholesterol, which can prevent insulin from attaching to our cells’ insulin receptors and make blood sugar unavailable to cells. Without sugar, cells lack fuel – leading to symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness. When sugar is unavailable to cells, it builds up in the bloodstream and becomes toxic, eventually damaging the eyes, kidneys, nerves, immune system, heart and blood vessels – opening the door to type II diabetes. Both fiber and the antioxidant “vitamin C” counteract that effect by promoting healthy blood levels of fat and cholesterol, thus allowing insulin to attach to our cells’ insulin receptors and thus making blood sugar available to cells. This prevents the sugar from building up in the bloodstream and becoming toxic – thus preventing damage to vital organs and reducing our risk of type II diabetes.
Research findings made at the following institutions have made the writing of Counteract the Fat possible:
☤ The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland
☤ The Naylor Dana Institute of the American Health Foundation
☤ The University of Minnesota in St. Paul
☤ The University of Florida College of Medicine
☤ The University of Kentucky College of Medicine
☤ The USANA Research Laboratories in Utah
☤ The Cardiology Research Institute in Moscow
☤ The National Institutes of Health
☤ Boston University School of Medicine
☤ The Strang Cancer Research Laboratory in New York
☤ Rutgers University in New Brunswick
☤ The University of Minnesota in Minneapolis
☤ Cornell University Medical College in New York
☤ The University of Toronto
☤ Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C.
☤ The University of New Hampshire in Durham
☤ Oregon Health Sciences University
☤ The University of Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington
☤ The National Institute of Public Health in Bilthoven, Netherlands
Counteract the Fat is currently available in the Amazon Marketplace at 50% off of the regular price of $11.96 for a limited time. Whether you are looking to IMPROVE your cholesterol levels without having to avoid junk foods, or to simply MAINTAIN your HEALTHY cholesterol levels without having to avoid junk foods – prepare to be BLOWN AWAY by this cutting edge nutrition, diet, health, weight and cholesterol control book and your results, or your money back!
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Author Bio:
I discovered the Counteract the Fat concept back in the late 1990’s by poring through medical journals and health/nutrition publications for nearly a year. I later compiled the breakthrough research findings from the literature and applied them to my life. From November 1999 all the way to the present time, I have followed a “straight and narrow” dietary path to excellent health by successfully “Counteracting the Fat” in my diet. I have exercised EXTREME discipline and commitment to good health by reading nutrition facts labels and consuming a daily diet containing an average of 100+% of the Recommended Daily Allowance for fiber, antioxidants and other essential nutrients 7 days per week, 365 days per year, year after year since November 1999. I have actually used a CALCULATOR to add up the total amount of fiber, antioxidants and other essential nutrients provided by the health foods over the course of each day… ensuring that I either REACH or EXCEED the Recommended Daily Allowances each day. My extreme discipline and commitment has given me the ability to maintain excellent blood cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and body weight without having to avoid junk food favorites… something that unfortunately no other member of my family (on either my mother’s or father’s side) has had the discipline and commitment to do. My success has inspired me to share this information with the rest of the world! I conduct frequent Counteract the Fat seminars at local Y.M.C.A.’s and public libraries in northern Illinois.