About Prophets and Their Prophecies: Examining the Predictions of History’s Greatest Prophets:
Learn more about History’s greatest prophets and find out if their prophecies did indeed come true!
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Ever since the beginning of recorded history, there have been those who have claimed to know a little something beyond the day-to-day affairs of man—claiming to be able to peer into the very future itself. Here in this book, we take a look at some of the prophetic claims by the greatest prophets the world has ever known. Ezekiel of the Bible’s Old Testament, for example, saw some rather stunning things—do they still have relevance to us today?
Now fast forward several centuries and meet a man named Nostradamus. Michel de Nostradamus likewise claimed to have had glimpses of the future. Could it be true? And what about the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce? Jean Dixon—the prophet of the presidents? Baba Vanga? Did any of them truly have glimpses of future events to come? Read this book to find out!
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