About Teachings of the Himalayan Masters, Their Secret Knowledge and Practices by M.G. Hawking:
Free on Amazon October 13th thru October 17th, always Free on Kindle Unlimited. Journey into a Legendary World to Discover the Most Powerful Knowledge of the Ages. Amazon 5-Star Reviews: “A tangible and entertaining path to enlightenment. Hawking provides a compendium of practical advice from Masters and Adepts, passed down through the ages to encourage and enable the aspiring student to attain an understanding of the universe and ultimately the path to enlightenment. Delivers a series of such teachings in one easy-to-grasp, highly entertaining read. Highly recommended.”
“Great book, love it! Easy to read & offers aspects of life & being that I hadn’t thought of before. Well written & easy to follow.”
“Great Read. I really got a lot out of this book. While the concepts are not new to me, I found that the way things were worded and discussed really put things in a deeper perspective. I also love M.G. Hawking’s other books in this series.”
“Enlightenment. I recommend reading all of them (Hawking’s books).”
Transcribed directly from the extensive field notes and journals of explorer M.G. Hawking’s sixty-two months in a remote region of the vast frozen fortress of the Himalayas, this book contains detailed narratives of his experiences with the remarkable individuals he encountered in a small village deep in the mountains.
These accounts set forth the essential knowledge, principles of consciousness and specific practices utilized by true masters to attain extraordinary creative powers, esoteric knowledge that for long millenniums has remained concealed in silence. Organized topically to be used as a study guide, chapters include:
‘The Nature of the Masters’
‘The True Nature of Reality’
‘The Quality of Physical Things as Symbols’
‘The Scope of Power and Knowledge’
‘Fundamental Understandings’
‘Advanced Foundational Recognitions’
‘An Experience of Illumination’
‘Gathering and Controlling Energy’
‘Powers of Healing’
‘Visualization Practice and Procedure’
‘Master Visualization’
‘Thoughts on the Teachings of the Himalayan Masters’
‘The Role of Physics and Metaphysics in Understanding Non-Ordinary (Psychokinetic) Events’
An unprecedented account that is inspirational and richly enlightening, this book is an incomparable read for anyone on a spiritual path or seeking expanded personal knowledge and power. 2020 Edition Kindle Unlimited Book, 18 Sections, 34 Subsections, e-reader page count 415. For more information, please see the ‘Look Inside’ feature on the book’s Amazon page. Thank you.