Follow the journey of twenty-year-old Lucy as she grapples with the intricacies of identity and purpose in a modern world. When faced with a harrowing ordeal, Lucy’s retreat into herself marks the beginning of a tumultuous path toward self-discovery. Escaping to the serene backdrop of a Maine village, she encounters a cast of characters who challenge her perceptions and ignite a newfound sense of purpose. In the embrace of friendship and resilience, Lucy navigates through unexpected trials, unveiling the strength within to forge her own destiny and reclaim her narrative.”
Nuvole basse (Italian Edition)
About Nuvole basse (Italian Edition):
Gabriele, un’attrice ormai prossima alla conclusione della sua carriera, torna nella città in cui ha trascorso l’adolescenza. La sua visita inattesa coglie di sorpresa due delle sue amiche, che vedono in quel ritorno una sorta di fuga da una quotidianità grigia e monotona. Grazie a loro, l’attrice può intuire a sua volta quale vita l’avrebbe aspettata se non se ne fosse andata da quella città. Tuttavia, su di lei la fama grava ormai da quarant’anni e solo una cosa emerge in modo evidente: il viaggio di Gabriele risveglia vecchie passioni e cambia la vita di tutte le persone a cui fa visita.
“Ciò che l’autrice ci presenta in questo libro è uno spaccato di vita reale, grazie al fine cesello della sua scrittura. In quest’opera viene fatto un grande lavoro in termini di linguaggio e di stile. Il romanzo è interessantissimo e rappresenta, dal mio punto di vista, una delle maggiori promesse della narrativa contemporanea della letteratura catalana.” -L’Ull critic
“Con il suo stile inconfondibile, l’autrice offre uno spaccato di quotidianità attraverso gli occhi e i pensieri di una voce narrante che di volta in volta s’immedesima nei vari personaggi. Una successione di pennellate spontanee e profondamente umane che, spesso con un tocco d’ironia, sanno catturare l’amarezza del rimpianto e la nostalgia dei tempi andati, ma anche la speranza di un nuovo inizio.” –Cinzia Rizzotto, Traduttrice
NÚRIA AÑÓ (Lleida, 1973) è una scrittrice catalana e spagnola. Il suo primo romanzo, Els nens de l’Elisa, pubblicato nel 2006 (Omicron), si è classificato al terzo posto in occasione della 24° edizione del Premio Ramon Llull, uno dei più prestigiosi premi della letteratura catalana concesso dalla casa editrice Planeta. Sono quindi seguiti La scrittrice morta nel 2008 (Omicron), Nuvole basse nel 2009 (Omicron), Lo sguardo del figlio nel 2012 (Abadia) e Il salone degli artisti esiliati in California nel 2020. Alcuni dei suoi romanzi, racconti e saggi sono stati pubblicati e tradotti in spagnolo, francese, inglese, italiano, tedesco, polacco, cinese, lettone, portoghese, olandese, greco, arabo e rumeno.
Núria Añó si è aggiudicata il XVIII Premio Joan Fuster per la Narrativa Città di Almenara, il IV Premio internazionale di scrittura di Shanghai Get-Together 2018 e le sono stati concessi prestigiosi finanziamenti internazionali, come Nuoren Voiman Liitto (Finlandia, 2016), Shanghai Writing Program (Cina, 2016), Baltic Centre (Svezia, 2017), IWTCR (Grecia, 2017), Cracovia Città della Letteratura UNESCO (Polonia, 2018), IWTH (Lettonia, 2019 e 2023) o Lu Xun IWP (Cina, 2020).
La sua scrittura si incentra sulla psicologia dei personaggi, che di solito sono degli antieroi. E proprio i personaggi sono l’elemento più importante delle sue opere, molto più della trama, in virtù dell’impiego di “un’introspezione, una riflessione, che non è sentimentale, ma femminile”. I suoi romanzi toccano vari temi, compresi problemi attuali di rilevanza sociale, come l’ingiustizia o la scarsa comunicazione tra le persone. Spesso l’essenza delle sue storie non viene spiegata: Añó chiede al lettore di scoprirne il “significato profondo” e di immedesimarsi nelle vicende presentate.
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A Escritora Morta (Portuguese Edition)
About A Escritora Morta (Portuguese Edition):
Anna é uma escritora de idade mediana que criou sua filha sozinha. Na atualidade, Berta cresceu e as dúvidas que teria sobre conhecer seu pai, a quem só havia visto em uma fotografia, aumentam quando a relação que mantém com seu namorado entra em crise. Hans trabalha em uma fábrica e tem uma irmã, Clara, uma jovem incompreendida que vive obcecada por um tipo que dirige uma moto amarela.
É porém, antes de tudo, a história de Anna Flieder, que quando opta por escrever um livro de estilo mais biográfico, a inspiração a visita e toma a forma daquele homem a quem abandonou há anos.
“Na história se observa o processo de criação da literatura […] É uma obra dirigida a quem gosta de ler e se deixa absorver pela leitura, porque deixa muita imaginação, e há muitas coisas que se intuem.” -La mañana
“A Escritora Morta é, portanto, um convite para aqueles que apreciam a maneira com que a Literatura reflete sobre si mesma em uma obra literária. Mas também representa a oportunidade de acompanhar personagens com sentimentos e em situações que nos provoca uma inevitável identificação. […] O deleite de um texto literário que prima por uma linguagem metafórica e que sugere imagens capazes de revelar cenas cotidianas, mas que, muitas vezes, a vida, preenchida por múltiplas possibilidades, não nos permite enxergar.” -Dra. Alexandra Santos Pinheiro, Resonancias literarias, no. 153
“Este livro conta a história da escritora Anna, do seu mundo e das pessoas que a rodeiam. Anna vive a sua vida literária como se fosse a sua vida real, sofre um tipo de esquizofrenia quando os personagens de seus livros confrontam suas vidas no seu desejo de ver a luz.” -Debbie Garrick, Tradutora
“A Escritora Morta, uma obra que apresenta não apenas a qualidade do seu trabalho como autora, como também o manuseio da ferramenta essencial de todo novelista, a linguagem. […] Esta novela que é ao mesmo tempo um claro produto literário, seguramente satisfará o variado gosto do leitor contemporâneo.” -Letralia
“A escritora Núria Añó compõe com uma maestria que vai muito além e mergulha na exploração do indivíduo contemporâneo.” -Noury Bakrim, Tradutor
“A novela A Escritora Morta trata do processo de criação literária e descreve de um modo sombrio e poético, a ruptura interior da sua protagonista Anna, uma escritora que se atreve a escrever a sua primeira novela autobiográfica – mesmo que se emaranhe cada vez mais nas lembranças e nostalgia reprimidas até aquele momento. A Escritora Morta é um livro inteligentemente vital que evidencia o excepcional talento de observação de Núria Añó e estimula o leitor a encontrar as próprias respostas.” -Sarah Raabe, Tradutora
Núria Añó (Lleida, 1973) é uma escritora e tradutora catalã. Sua obra, que engloba novelas, relatos, artigos e ensaios, foi traduzida para o espanhol, francês, inglês, italiano, alemão, português, holandês, grego, polonês, chinês, letão, árabe e romeno. A novela “Os Meninos de Elisa”, (2006) foi a terceira finalista no XXIV Prêmio de las Letras Catalanas Ramon Llull. Seguem “A Escritora Morta”, (2008), “Nuvens Baixas”, (2009), “O Olhar do Filho”, (2012) e “O Salão dos Artistas Exilados na Califórnia”, (2020). Ganha o XVIII Prêmio Joan Fuster de Narrativa, o quarto prêmio internacional de escrita 2018 Shanghai Get-Together e foi premiada com as prestigiosas bolsas internacionais: NVL (Finlândia, 2016),SWP (China, 2016), BCWT (Suécia, 2017), IWTCR (Grécia, 2017), Krakow UNESCO City of Literatura (Polônia, 2018), IWTH (Letônia, 2019 e 2023) e IWP (China, 2020).
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Der Blick des Sohnes: Roman (German Edition)
About Der Blick des Sohnes: Roman (German Edition):
Paula ist eine Kindergärtnerin, die keine Kinder bekommen kann und zusammen mit ihrem Mann ein rothaariges Baby, Daniel, adoptiert. Nach einigen Jahren bricht die biologische Mutter in diese idyllische Umgebung ein und reißt die bis dahin herrschende Ruhe auseinander. In verschiedenen Lebensphasen, von der Ankunft des Kindes im Haus bis zu seiner Volljährigkeit, führt uns Der Blick des Sohnes durch verschiedene Persönlichkeiten und deren Beziehungen. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Persönlichkeit der Großmutter – eine Frau von Charakter mit einer besonderen Vorliebe für diesen Enkel – und deren problematische Beziehung mit der eigenen Tochter, Paula, die die Verkörperung schwieriger Beziehungen zwischen Müttern und Töchtern darstellt. Dann ist da auch Sophie, eine junge Frau, die plötzlich mit dem Erwachen der Jugend erscheint…
Mit dem klassischen Tanz als Hintergrund nehmen wir an einer Liebesgeschichte teil, die das Vor- und Nachher kennzeichnet und in der alle viel mehr gemeinsam haben als es scheint.
„Diese interessante Geschichte lässt uns nicht gleichgültig, denn sie ist eine Einladung zur Besinnung in einer Welt, in der die Banalität ihr Reich ausübt.“ –L’Ull crític, Sprach- und Literaturzeitschrift Nr. 17 und 18.
„Der Leser findet eine anregende Erzählung, die sich den Gefühlen verschiedener Charaktere öffnet und Sensibilität erfordert, um das Leben jedes Einzelnen in der Erzählung zu verstehen.“ –Resonancias Literarias
„Scheinbar selbstverständliche Fakten, die der Roman zum richtigen Zeitpunkt enthüllt, vermitteln den Eindruck, eine Geschichte in Schuppen zu lesen, in der sich die Ereignisse überlagern, um ein Gesamtbild zu formen. Eine vollständige, runde Arbeit, deren Lektüre wir zweifellos empfehlen.“ –Letralia
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Lowering Clouds
Gabriele is an actress who, as her career approaches its end, takes a trip to the city where she spent her adolescence. Her sudden visit awakens something unexpected in two of her friends, who see in her an escape from their grey, monotonous days. Through her friends, the actress sees the life she could have had. The burden of fame has been pursuing her for forty years, and only one thing is evident: this trip awakens passions and changes the lives of everyone she visits.
“What Núria Añó gives us in this book is a piece of real life, dissected with the razor-sharp scalpel of her writing. This work contains great use of language and style. The novel is not easy, either its subject or its style, but it is very interesting and, in my opinion, is one of the great promises of contemporary Catalan writing.” –magazine on literary and comparative literature studies, L’Ull crític, No. 15-16
About the author: NÚRIA AÑÓ (Lleida, 1973) is a Catalan/Spanish writer. Some of her works, including novels, short stories, and essays, have been published and translated into Spanish, French, English, Italian, German, Polish, Chinese, Latvian, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Arabic, and Romanian. Her first published novel, Els nens de l’Elisa (Omicron, 2006) was awarded third prize in the 24th Ramon Llull Novel Award, one of the most prestigious awards for Catalan literature, awarded by Editorial Planeta. L’escriptora morta ([The Dead Writer, 2020] Omicron) was published in 2008; Núvols baixos ([Lowering Clouds, 2020] Omicron) in 2009; La mirada del fill (Abadia) in 2012; El salón de los artistas exiliados en California ([The Salon of Exiled Artists in California], 2020) is a biography of screenwriter Salka Viertel. Núria won the 18th Joan Fuster Prize for Fiction Ciutat d’Almenara, fourth place for international writing at the 2018 Shanghai Get-Together, and has been awarded with prestigious international grants: Nuoren Voiman Liitto (Finland, 2016), Shanghai Writing Program (China, 2016), Baltic Centre (Sweden, 2017), IWTCR (Greece, 2017), Krakow UNESCO City of Literature (Poland, 2018), IWTH (Latvia, 2019 and 2023) and IWP (China, 2020).
Her writing centers around her characters’ psychology, often through the use of anti-heroes. Núria’s characters are the focus of her work, and are generally more relevant than the topic itself. With introspective reflections that are feminine rather than sentimental, she finds a unique balance between the marginal worlds of parallels. Her novels explore a wide variety of topics, delving into important social and current themes, such as injustice or lack of communication between individuals. The basic plot of her novels does not tell you everything there is to know. By using this method, Añó seeks to involve the reader so they ask their own questions to discover the deeper meaning of the content.
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Backwood Lovers
When Vin Lowe returned home from America, he had no intention of being along with his former girlfriend, Marsha Lecky again. They had been high school sweethearts. She was childless but was seeing another man, Nollis Binns. Vin has a baby mother, Ceila, plus two girlfriends, Megan and Leta. Nollis has three baby mothers plus several girlfriends. Nollis is a businessman having a business in the area. He also operates several taxis and minibuses. Vin is also a businessman running his late parent’s shop and bar. Nollis’ women want him to leave her. They feel that she is only after his money and will soon return to Vin after getting enough of Nollis’ money. They can’t understand why he bought a car for her or is giving her money when she doesn’t have a child for him. Nollis doesn’t believe that Marsha will ever leave him for Vin. He says that he is running a broken down old shop and bar and is along with his bar maid and his shop assistant. He allows young girls from the village to go behind his shop counter and take anything they want so long as they return to sleep with him. Vin laughs at Nollis’ attempts to smear him and Marsha scoffs at it. Nollis curses off both of them and sped away in his car. Vin and his former girlfriend are trying to reconcile their differences. She calls all of his women and warn them off. She even calls Marsha and warns her off. Marsha tells her that she is along with money man, Nollis and has no interest in Vin. April said she was lying and wanted Vin back. Nollis said that Vin was trying to trick him and April was just a face card. His real intention was to get back Marsha. Vin laughs him off and says that he is along with two women and had no interest in Marsha. Two of Marsha’s friends try to arrange a deal whereby Marsha would leave Nollis and Vin would leave his girlfriends and be along with her. Nollis hears about it and curses them off. He accuses Vin of being behind the plot but he denies it. Instead, he says that he is satisfied wit Megan and L eta. Nollis boast about the amount of money he is giving her. He says that Vin is so broke that he couldn’t take care of Marsha for a week. It’s no wonder he doesn’t live with a woman. Vin counters that he pays his bills as they fall due. He says that he owes neither of his workers. Nollis says that he will soon be bankrupt like his brother. Nollis also says that he knows of Vin’s plans to lure Marsha to go to Kingston with him by getting a big job down there. Vin denies it and says that Nollis is lying. One of Nollis’ women, Jheanel, says that he was wicked to have bought a car for Marsha while she has to either take the bus or taxis and Marsha doesn’t have a child for him. Marsha is there one Saturday morning when Jheanel and two men turn up, demanding her car. Marsha throws the
keys at her and dares her to drive it away. Nollis comes on the scene and affirms that Marsha bought back the car from. Jheanel said that unless he was prepared to give her a car he shouldn’t come back to her house. He said that he wouldn’t miss her as he has too many women sleeping with. Vin starts seeing two women from his past, Miss Carol and Ann. Both women swear that they won’t leave him for Marsha to have him. Nollis’ newest baby mother, Samantha, is preventing Marsha from dancing with him at every party, social or dance they attend. She says that just like Marsha, she wants what she can get out of Nollis. Marsha told her that she was only being grudgeful and bad minded. Meanwhile she is getting frustrated at Nollis’s women behavior, especially Samantha and wants to leave him but not for Vin.
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A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas: Annotated with Introduction, Modern Footnotes, Recipes and Word Puzzles
About A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas: Annotated with Introduction, Modern Footnotes, Recipes and Word Puzzles:
A Christmas Carol is one of the most beloved, classic novels of all time…
Ebenezer Scrooge is as bitter as he is nasty.
But when he goes to sleep one fateful Christmas Eve, the ghosts of his Christmas past, present and future converge to show him what is really possible before it is too late. Now he has a chance to see what he has done, what he is doing, and what he can really accomplish.
Enjoy the heartwarming spirit of the holiday season in Charles Dickens’s beautiful and enduring story.
Annotated edition: This edition of A Christmas Carol includes:
Annotated footnotes – modern, short and sweet explanations
3 delicious recipes – each one is referred to in A Christmas Carol
For puzzle lovers: a link to a A Christmas Carol themed mini-sampler of 10 super-fun word puzzles from Mind Candy Press
Grab your copy, your favourite beverage, and enjoy!
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The Red Kin: The Story of the Witch
About The Red Kin: The Story of the Witch:
In the novel “The Red Kin. The Story of the Witch”, you can expect an exhilarating journey into a world of magic, intrigue, and inner conflicts. Eternal vampires, enigmatic creatures, and humans, interweaving their destinies, unravel a complex web of events and decisions.
At the heart of the plot lies a city hidden from the modern world, where secrets and deceptions, inner journeys, and dramatic twists reveal a multifaceted tapestry of life. When encountering an ancient vampire, a woman is drawn into a whirlwind of events, and through personal transformation, she becomes an integral part of the surrounding world, pulling its inhabitants into a vortex of inevitable change.
This tale will gift readers with unforgettable experiences, immersing them in a world where the clash of human dramas and vampire passions crafts a captivating blend of past secrets and future challenges. Yet within this gripping mixture of magic, love, and fateful choices lie tragedies and experiences that carry the weight of loss and suffering.
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Chasing Rabbits by Rodolfo Del Toro Colberg
Chasing Rabbits by Rodolfo Del Toro Colberg
Award winning book about a medical student unwillingly coming face to face with life and death during an unexpected clinical clerkship. The Pediatric Oncology ward and its patients will show Rudy a side of his education he did not expect, finding the most courageous patients among the children of the ward.
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Deep Into My Eyes: From Victim To Vegas Headliner
About Deep Into My Eyes: From Victim To Vegas Headliner:
How does a child from Detroit who was adopted, bullied, and abused manage to become a headliner in Las Vegas? Despite facing depression, suicidal thoughts, abuse, and addiction, Kevin refused to give up. Through his journey, he discovered the importance of finding support and belonging in communities that embraced him and helped him heal. His journey has not only transformed his own life, but it has also empowered others to find the strength to overcome their own struggles.
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The Munich Girl
The past may not be done with us. Anna Dahlberg grew up eating dinner under her father’s war-trophy portrait of Eva Braun. Fifty years after the war, she discovers what he never did—that her mother and Hitler’s mistress were friends. The secret surfaces with a mysterious monogrammed handkerchief, and a man whose Third Reich family history is entwined with Anna’s. Plunged into the world of the Munich girl who was her mother’s confidante—and a tyrant’s lover—Anna finds her every belief about right and wrong shattered. “Historical fiction that reads like memoir.” Philadelphia Inquirer
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The Tales of Zren Janin boxed set by ML Dunker
The Tales of Zren Janin boxed set by ML Dunker
Kindle COUNTDOWN DEAL – DOWNLOAD NOW for the best price!
Three strangers race across two countries with only one goal: to survive.
Kerek, Matasi, and Vikland are three countries squabbling like quarrelsome siblings. The Kerek King has allowed banditry against anyone with a different language or skin color, and the Vikland Empress has had enough of her travelers injured and killed outside of her borders. Matasi has also suffered from Kerek’s brutality but has the money and power – or so the Triune Council believes – to break Kerek without bloodshed.
In a war of words and weapons, who will win? For when blood is shed, it is always the young and the poor who pay the greatest price.
The Tales of Zren Janin are stories of adventure, political intrigue, soldiers, spies, and bravery where no one is safe, promises are casually broken, and justice demands a price.
For readers who like great worldbuilding in a South Pacific setting, heart-pounding escapes, stories about spies, saboteurs, and survivors when the odds are never in their favor.
“A deliberately paced work, but one with an expansive and ultimately engrossing setting.” – Kirkus review
“…new readers will fall for Zren, who often doubts himself and his abilities but tries his hardest to be whatever his friends need him to be. Although this fantasy tale is written for young adults, it’s sure to appeal to adult readers as well.” – Kirkus review of War and Wrens
“…engaging adventure-series” – Kirkus review
The boxed set of The Tales of Zren Janin contains all five of the previously published books and a sixth book, What Zren Didn’t Know, comprised of bonus stories of what happened to the Wrens before Zren’s stories begin, events in the books told from others’ point of view, and what happened to the survivors.
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Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website.
The Call of Home: A WW2 Historical Fiction Novel
About The Call of Home: A WW2 Historical Fiction Novel:
A promise to save a life. An impossible love.
When Freida discovers a wounded German soldier washed up on the beach near her home in England, she risks her life to save him. Despite the danger of aiding the enemy, Freida and the soldier are forced to leave their lives behind and collaborate in order to survive.
As WWII tears individuals and families apart, Freida and the soldier develop a connection that no bullet can destroy, and Freida is determined to keep her promise and help him return home.
But with danger and heartache lurking around every corner, will Freida be able to keep her promise and save the soldier?
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Vastly Underrated: Life Begins At Fifty (Midlife Secrets Series stand-alone reads)
About Vastly Underrated: Life Begins At Fifty (Midlife Secrets Series stand-alone reads):
As a dedicated counsellor, Debra never fails to accomplish everything on her to-do list. Except for this one time when she chooses to meet her sister’s needs ahead of work demands, and the results are catastrophic.
In a haze of grief and confusion (and possibly one too many brandies!), she hops on a plane. And it’s only when she leaves Ireland, her job and devoted partner behind that a world of opportunity opens up. She wonders if this could be the beginning of the rest of her life.
A thrilling romance makes her feel young and alive again, as does the joy of discovering a fast track to her dream career. But an unexpected phone call from home forces her into a premature decision. And before long, that fleeting sense of freedom she fell in love with on her travels starts to feel like a distant memory.
Will Debra return to the safety of her comfort zone and the life she once knew? Or can she defy the odds at fifty years old and redesign her future to fulfil her ambition and be the master of her own destiny?
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The Zenya Bernard Story
About The Zenya Bernard Story:
Zenya Bernard and Dean Bogle were now teaching at nearby schools. Before that they had bee college batchmates. There had always been speculation that they were lovers which both of them had always denied. Both of them had gone their separate ways after college. Zenya met a man by the name of Wendel Whyte and had a child with him. Dean had a child with a girl by the name of Kathy. People speculated that Zenya was seeking revenge on Dean for getting Kathy pregnant by having a child for Wendel. There is also speculation that a girl by the name of Delaine had a child for Dean but another man stepped forward to claim the child when he refused to own up. Zenya is now living in Keswick and teaching school there as a senior teacher. She is seeing a man by the name of Karl Watson. He is a businessman in the village owning several buses and taxis. He also has three baby mothers plus several girlfriends. They all want Karl to leave her as they feel that she is only after his money. Rumor now has it that it was Zenya who sent for him because Karl wasn’t fulfilling her needs. Dean was hardly in Keswick before he started partying with some young girls living there. So she started ignoring him and refused to dance with him at parties. She was also angry with him for having gotten Delaine pregnant and refusing to own up to his responsibility. Zenya still felt that Dean was being irresponsible. Her baby father, Wendel, wanted her back. He is at most parties and if he dances with her, Karl gets angry. Zenya doesn’t want any women to dance with him. Wendel’s woman, Audrey quarrels each time he dances with Zenya. He is always inviting her out with him but she is always refusing. She tells him that she doesn’t want to be in any quarrels with either of his women, Audrey or Brandy. Dean’s women are fighting over him and calling each other all sorts of names. Two of his girlfriends, Tena and Britney are teachers. His other two women, Margot and Ashley, are lowly paid office clerks. He was seeing both Tena and Britney first. Both of them called Margot and Asley all sorts of names. Both Tena and Britney leave him for other men. Dean finds another girl, Caslyn, but she soon leaves him, complaining that at every party she attends, he and Karl are always fighting over Zenya. Dean and his former girlfriend, who now lives in America are trying to reconcile their differences. She calls all of his women including Tena and Britney and warn them off. She also calls Caslyn, Kathy and Zenya. Zenya tells her that she has no interest in Dean as he has no money to spend on her like Karl is now doing. Karl’s main woman, Carlene and some of her friends get people to investigate Zenya. They reveal she and Dean were once lovers. When Karl hears he brushes it off saying that Zenya had more class than to deal with a poor guy like Dean. He said that he was splashing out thousands of dollars on her so she would be very foolish to leave him for Dean. Dean is now seeing two women from his past. They are both in their late thirties. When Zenya asks him about them he says they are just good friends. Zenya is now dancing with him again much to Karl’s disgust. Zenya doesn’t care because all she claims she is doing is dancing with her colleague. Karl, his women and several of their friend want to know why Dean chose such an out of the way place to come to. Both Zenya and Dean have denied it but Karl’s women still believe that it was Zenya who sent for him.
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Sins of the Past
One deadly mistake, one searching heart, one redeeming truth…
Matthew Ellison escapes his dangerous lifestyle to take refuge in the small town of Albury, Texas. Wanting only to forget his past and the pain associated with it, he settles into the community with hopes of a new beginning. But danger has a way of following him, and Matthew soon has to make a decision – leave town, or stay and protect it.
Emma Royce travels West with her brother after her heart is broken by the man she thought she loved. With a new home and new friends, she’s ready to start over. Before Emma has a chance to gain her footing, however, she has stumbled into a dark and puzzling mystery – the new stranger in Albury.
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A wild ride through the crazy ways of youthful days, where friendships are tested, secrets unravel, and survival hangs in the balance.
Amidst the adrenaline of senior year and the start of a new semester, Jared finds himself hurtling through life on a raging rollercoaster and revelling in the thrills. There’s a growing sense that it’s time to put on the brakes before it all runs off the rails.
But slowing down isn’t in their nature.
As the group dives into their usual antics, they attract the attention of the wrong people, putting futures on the line while hidden within their tight-knit circle are secrets that threaten to shatter those bonds. Their journey reaches a breaking point during a city drama festival, where cracks in the unity begin to surface.The aftermath leaves scars, and lines are drawn as the tension peaks at an end-of-year party atop the mountain, where tempers flare, and the valley holds its breath.
In this gripping tale of friendship, betrayal, and all too fast approaching adulthood, the question looms: Will anyone make it to graduation, or will the chaos of youth consume them all?
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Postponement: A Cryo-Suspension Domestic Thriller
About Postponement: A Cryo-Suspension Domestic Thriller:
What if you could place your newborn into cryo-suspension until it was more convenient to bring him or her home?
How much time would you need? One year, five years, longer?
Nora Collins expedites the cryonic preservation of newborn babies for the convenience of their parents. Her job as a successful client liaison at the for-profit, privately operated Postponement Center, requires routine confrontation with outraged protestors voicing disagreement with the chilling reproductive choice now deemed legal by the Supreme Court.
Past child-bearing years herself, Nora inwardly atones for old secrets by living a solitary life. Instead, she develops a questionable, borderline addictive, relationship with the frozen neonates, frequently watching them and communicating with them in their crypod units.
Nora navigates the ethical minefield and morale dichotomy of the postponement practice, which occurs for medical reasons, but mostly because of career or educational obligations, financial aspirations, or due to parental immaturity.
She staunchly believes parents should choose for themselves when the time is right to bring their baby home—until she doesn’t.
After one mother decides to pre-maturely reanimate her son, forcing him into a life-threatening position, Nora struggles with her own dangerous choice—honor the desire of the new mother or save the innocent child.
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First crush, first kiss, first drink, first trip.
These are the times they’ll talk about…should they survive them.
Usher in the era of flannel shirts and messy hair, where Gen Xers define themselves through random acts of disorder and creative disobedience, with libidos set on overdrive. Jared Buckley just transferred into Queens Land Central Academy for his senior year, not quite the sprawling metropolis he’s used to. If he’s worried he’ll be bored though, he shouldn’t be.
Jared soon meets the radio club, a ragtag group of misfits known for their antics, building a rapport with one member in particular, Sydney Rockafella. This sets the stage for a series of events that will change his world forever.
It’s all good times, ditching class for fast cars, five finger discounts and other new experiences meant to keep one flying sky high. But, when the joyride comes to a screeching halt, can Jared truly depend on the people he calls friends?