Abigail, an aspiring mage that would rather sketch the town boys than study Arcane runes, has her world shattered when she learns her sister was sold off to the ruthless vampire dynasty- The Caeds. Determined to bring Iris home, she sets on a quest to infiltrate the prestigious Caedwyn Castle, all with a little help from her new…friends.
Exiled from the lands of Veridian for generations, the local werewolf packs don’t mind Abbie tagging along for the ride, but things don’t exactly go to plan.
Namely, an Alpha Werewolf has taken a particular liking and wants to claim her- so that when he takes the throne for himself, he already has the perfect mate by his side.
Meanwhile, a bad-boy raven shifter who deals Arcane weapons finally thinks he’s found his fated mate- and he’ll do anything to make sure she’s his. Too bad she’s already fallen for the cinnamon roll of the group, but why chose?
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Author Bio:
Caffeine fueled mess and the author of The Forbidden Bite By Night Series, I’m the proud cat mom of two kittens and a bearded dragon named Roxie. My favorite genres are spicy fantasy and paranormal romance!