A.D.1378—the year of the Great Schism of the West, the Hundred Years’ War, the Great Famine, and the Black Death. The world is in turmoil, divided and polarised. A malinois family is rent asunder in the border’s conflict, all scattered and lost. Arnaud, an indomitable malinois, vows to reunite his dispersed family, but his efforts render the situation worse, not better. The harder he tries to progress in his noble quest, the more the chances of reunion regress. Can Arnaud bring his family together and live as it once was, thereby atoning for his role in begetting the family’s tragedy? “Animals Divided” is an anthropomorphic incident-packed adventure teeming with drama, action, and suspense. It is the second intriguing and fast-paced sequel of the multi-award-winning novel, “General Jack and the Battle of the Five Kingdoms.”
See the book trailer on David Bush Goodreads or my youtube channel generaljackbattlefivekingdoms.
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Author Bio:
David Bush is a medical doctor specialized in haematology. He was born and raised in Malta. He emigrated to the UK but returned to his first home in 2003 where he still practices. He is the co-founder of a support group for patients with blood cancers. Apart from a medical book, he has published extensively in international medical journals. He is a reviewer for selected scientific journals. He is also a regular guest contributor to a popular political blog. Three reasons converge to explain his venturing into the realm of self-publishing. Firstly, he gave up his private practice to spend more time with his young nephews who inspired him to attempt novel writing. Secondly, he is a DIY enthusiast for any type of job. Thirdly, he also nurtures a lifelong love of literature.
“General Jack and the Battle of the Five Kingdoms” is his debut novel.
Bush won several accolades in 2024. He is the recipient of the Children’s Book International Prize and the Author International Award. The book was selected as top pick in the Author Shout Reader Ready contest and was voted Winter’s Best Book for Christian Historical Fiction in the Pencraft Seasonal competition. It was a finalist of the American Legacy Book Award and of the Literary Global Children’s Book Award.
There is a wide selection of stunning videos about the novel in the youtube channel- generaljackbattlefivekingdoms
Silver Medalist for Best Video Channel in 2024 eLit Awards.
Both the author and book websites can be accessed through links in the youtube channel
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