Jason swings his school lanyard like a lasso. It slips out of his hand clattering to the floor. Reaching down to get it. Piercing jabs bleed his head. Screams swallow the stain blood. These sharpen edges dig into his scalp, yanking Jason. Wailing in pain he clashes into everything. Swirling blurs merge into a gaping crowd. Teachers hands try to steady him but the pain pulls harder slamming him face first in smudgy tiles. Blacking outta sight.
The rubber bedding and wrinkle sheets wrap around Jason. He stares at shrouded plastic curtains cornering him against the walls. He pretends to sleep as mom rolls the curtain back. The principal at her heels.
“Is he alright?” Mom turns to the nurse.
“Yes, just cuts and bruises. They’ll heal in time.” The principle’s scowl nudge the nurse to the other side of the room.
“As for,” The principal stutter. “Your son. I’m afraid he needs help.”
“Is it really that bad?”
“He grab hold of his own head, ramming into the walls!” The principal said.
“What do you suggest?”
“Lets set him up with the school councilor for now, but if he acts up again. You should consider a psychiatrist.”
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Author Bio:
The author, Nathanael smith. Has an adventurous life of staying indoors as an introvert. He imagines being anywhere else than on planet earth, which leads him to excessive daydreaming. I suppose that’s why he’s an author. This is his debut novel.