In this book, a young boy named Alex drifts off to sleep during a car ride and embarks on a vivid dream of Africa. Within his dream, he encounters Chitto, a remarkable monkey who possesses the ability to speak. Together, they embark on an exciting quest to locate Alex’s aunt who resides somewhere in Africa.
Their journey takes them through the thick African jungle where they encounter a friendly Hippopotamus, confront a ravenous crocodile, and meet a graceful giraffe. To navigate the vast and expansive African terrain, Chitto takes charge of piloting a small airplane, allowing them to traverse the region more efficiently.
Join Alex and Chitto on their thrilling expedition through Africa as they seek out Alex’s aunt and encounter a host of fascinating animals along the way.
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Author Bio:
Iryna Foster is a children’s author with a passion for storytelling and a love for exploring diverse cultures and the natural world. She draws inspiration from her own experiences traveling and living abroad and enjoys weaving these experiences into her writing. With a focus on creating immersive and engaging stories, Iryna aims to inspire young readers to learn, grow, and explore the world around them