About A Very Special Ant: Teach Your Children Friendship and Creativity (Riverboat Series Chapter Books Book 3):
Do You Want To Be Special? Be Yourself.
Titus the badger, Finn the falcon, and Shylow the fox are as different as three friends can be. But they all share the same love of sailing. One day they are dumbfounded when they stop their boat for a picnic – and their food appears to walk away on its own!
The problem is solved as they realize that the culprits are tiny ants and after some royal interference by the queen of the ants a compromise is reached. However, Wendy, one of the ants, is unhappy with her ant-like existence and wants to be different. Everything seems boring to her. Then Finn has an idea. However, he does not know what the outcome will be.
Discover what happens when Wendy valiantly tries to assert her individuality.
A Very Special Ant is a children’s chapter book beautifully illustrated by Tanya Maneki. If you and your children like courageous animals, funny encounters, and “special” creativity, then you’ll both love this charming story. The story celebrates the special bond that gets formed between completely different animals. It combines the rhythm of Kenneth Grahame’s “Wind in the Willows”, the heart of A.A. Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh” and the playfulness of Mo Williams.
Perfect for all children ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and up, and Pre-K -5th grade.
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Mit meinen teils mehrsprachigen Bilderbüchern und kurzen Geschichten bin ich in erster Linie daran interessiert, neue Erfahrungen und Anregungen und neue Perspektiven auf unsere Welt zu vermitteln – auch im fantastischen und magischen. Ich möchte das auf spielerische Weise tun und nicht zufällig. Das Schreiben aus der Perspektive der Kinder öffnet die Tür zu Welten, die von Elfen und Tieren, Meerjungfrauen und Königen, Zwergen und Riesen bevölkert sind – Wesen, die Probleme haben und sie lösen können, indem sie einfach die Beschränkungen unserer realen Welt umgehen.
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