About A CATastrophic Neighborhood A Pet Momma Cozy Mystery:
Discover this Charming Cozy Mystery discounted to 99 cents until June 18th
Tarsey Quinston, her husband Steve, and their newly adopted cat move to a neighborhood that isn’t as idyllic as they hoped. They settle into their new home and meet their quirky neighbors, encountering the angry property manager who patrols the neighborhood on a Segway, handing out trash can violations and disrupting the neighborhood yard sale. Tarsey quickly realizes that mystery overshadows the picturesque community. Tarsey’s cat bears a striking resemblance to the town’s murdered seamstress. Could this be the same cat that belonged to the seamstress, and what really happened to her? As the layers of perfection are peeled away and drama within the Homeowners Association causes uproar between the residents, the property manager and Tarsey’s cat suddenly go missing. Now desperate to find her beloved pet, Tarsey must solve the mystery of what happened to all three of them before there is a CATastrophic situation!
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Author Bio:
Maryann Shanesy is a native of Maryland who has always enjoyed writing. A lifelong lover of mysteries and anything gardening, she is a pet momma to a rescue dog and cat that brighten her life. She and her husband have two wonderful daughters and live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. She hopes you will enjoy her first cozy mystery.